Printable Member Pages
If you require printed member information for office-bearers or others in your congregation, Church Social makes these a breeze to create. Simply download the print-ready family page in the style of your choice and send it to the printer!
Church Social administrators and Members can generate the directory pages in one of three different formats right from the Family details page. Just click on the 3-dot menu in the top right of the page and select the Print option. It also uses italics for the names of guests.

Optional information that can be printed on the family page includes:
- Addresses (Home and Mailing)
- Phone numbers
- Email addresses
- Maiden names
Some of the directory formats include the
Membership markers option which places an asterisk (*) beside Communicant or Baptized members (depending on your church's configuration on the
People settings page).
Note that member's privacy settings may prevent certain information from being displayed on the directory pages.
This format provides a quick family overview with the family photo featured prominently at the top of the page. You are able to select which information you wish to display on each page. This style is used by some congregations to introduce a new family to the congregation membership.
Family close-up
This format provides a one-page overview of key family contact and statistical information for office-bearers.

Transfer documents
A common task for church administrators and statisticians is providing member information to the destination church when a member moves away. For many church federations, this member information typically accompanies an attestation document, and includes things like birth dates, baptism and profession of faith details, contact information, marriage dates, and the like. Transfer documents are designed to meet this need.