
All contributions are tracked in batches, called deposits. Typically churches will create one deposit per fund per month, but this isn't a requirement. Each deposit may contain contributions from multiple funds and dates.

Screenshot of the deposit page

Contributions can be assigned to members (couples or individuals), or to non-members (called donors), or both. You can also create anonymous contributions by not assigning anyone.

Each contribution is assigned a payment method, such as cash, cheque, e-transfer, credit card, etc. You can also include extra information related to the payment method, such as the cheque or transaction number. Each deposit provides a subtotal for the different payment methods.

You can mark contributions as "non-receiptable", to have them excluded from tax receipts. This is helpful in situations where contributions come from a donation source that has already issued a tax receipt (eg.

The Church Social web app interface to enter deposits into Church Social has been carefully designed for quick entry, however it's also possible to bulk import contributions from an Excel or CSV file.