Submitting Corrections

Each congregation has one or more Church Social administrators or statisticians responsible for managing the congregation's Church Social software and for keeping the congregational information up-to-date. Invariably information changes or needs updating, so you may encounter out-of-date information when looking at your congregation's Church Social. 

Members are able to update or correct the following information themselves on their profile settings page or in My Profile in the native iOS or Android app:

  • Family photo (if enabled)
  • Family biography
  • Email address and login password
  • Phone numbers
  • Email preferences

If the information to be corrected is not on the list above, there is a built-in method to let your local administrators know so that they can go ahead and update the information.  At the bottom of each Member or Family page you will see a submit corrections link where you can send corrected information:

Here is a screenshot of a sample Member page with the link at the bottom:

Configuring who should receive corrections requests

By default family correction emails are automatically sent to all administrators and statisticians. You can override that behaviour by explicitly setting which users receive these emails. You can find this new option on the "People" settings page under the "Family corrections" heading.  Don't forget to click on Save changes at the bottom of the page.