Background Checks
Church Social allows you to record and report on background checks or criminal record checks for the people within your account. When editing a person's profile, you'll see a Background check option, which allows you to record the following information:
- A PDF document of a person's criminal record check, police record's check or child safety training record.
- The date that their criminal record check or training expires.
- The date that you completed any reference or background checks for this person.
Generating reports
In the "Reports" section, you will find a Criminal Records Check report which lists all people that have a criminal record check expiry date set. It groups these people into two sections: those with valid criminal record checks, and those with expired criminal record checks. Note, this report only includes people who have expired criminal record checks from the last six months.
Notifications and reminders
On the first of each month Church Social emails a report to the administrators which lists all people with criminal record checks expiring in the next six months, as well as any people who had their criminal record checks expire in the last six months.