Tax Receipts - Canada - Emailing Receipts
Church Social allows treasurers to email tax receipts to members and donors directly within Church Social. When viewing receipts in Church Social, you'll see an Email option when you click the drop down button beside a receipt. Choosing this option allows treasurers to quickly email the receipt to the member (or donor) who made the contribution.
Of course, you can only email a receipt if the receipt has an email address associated with it. For members, this information is managed by administrators. For donors, treasurers are able to add an email address when editing a donor record.
Church Social automatically keeps track of when you last emailed a receipt in the "Last emailed" column. This can be a helpful reference for receipts that cannot be emailed, and need to be hand delivered or physically mailed instead.
Bulk emailing receipts
In addition to sending one off receipt emails, you can also send these emails in bulk. You can do this by clicking the drop down menu at the top right of the the receipts page, and then choosing the "Bulk email" option.
This will then show a popup window listing all the receipts within your current search parameters, allowing you to hand pick which receipts you'd like to email. You'll notice here that you cannot select receipts that have no email addresses available, or receipts that have been cancelled.
Keep in mind that Church Social allows you to email a receipt more than once, so be careful to not accidentally email the receipt twice, unless that's intended.
Also, one final note, when emailing receipts, a statement of the contributions will automatically be included as well.