Manually Inviting Members
In order for members to sign into Church Social and utilize the features in the app they will need to receive a welcome email from an administrator or statistician on that account. This invitation email includes the member's username (their email address) and a randomly-generated password. An example is pictured below.
Bulk Inviting your Members
Church Social allows you to easily bulk-invite people from the People > Manage page where you can find the Invite people option under the 3-dot menu in the upper right of the page as pictured below.
Here you can put a check mark beside the persons you wish to send invites to and then click the Send invites button below.
Individually Inviting your Members
Alternatively, to invite members individually, you can search for them on the People > Manage page and then click on the member to get to the Edit page. You can also go directly to a group to select members and then click on a member there to get to the Edit page.
Once you are on the edit page for the member, scroll down to the Login field under Access & Privacy to view the Edit login window. Here you would ensure that the Can login field is set to Yes and then select the option to Send invitation email. Now you can click on the Save changes and send invite button. This member will now receive an invitation email.