Selecting Message Recipients
Church Social's Messages module enables you to send a message to an individual, a selection of individuals, multiple groups or to a group plus several individuals.
This means that you can include segments like All members or All women, groups like shepherding groups or Bible studies, or even just individual members. You can mix and match recipients however you need.
To select recipients just click in the Sent to: field and select from the drop-down or use the Search box to type in part of a name. This will filter the drop-down so that you can quickly locate the correct recipient or group.
Here is an example where we are creating a message and have already selected Lucy Baumbach and are looking to add Sylvia Castillo to the message recipients.
And there's more! Have you ever wanted to send a message to everyone, but exclude one or two people? Maybe you're arranging a surprise birthday party for your pastor and don't want him or his wife to see the message. Well you can now add message "exclusions".
To select recipient groups and then exclude specific members do the following:
- First select the segment or group you want to send the message to, like Everyone.
- Next, click the people count beside the red Send to label and you'll see a list of everyone who is going to be included on the message. Beside each person you'll see an Exclude button. Click that button to make sure those members aren't included on the message you send out.